Thursday, 16 August 2012

How long is too long to date/court??

I believe we all agree that, there is no specific age to enter into relationship, it strongly depends on your individuals belief, but it is also important to be mature in the mind before you start something serious. But now, my question is, how long is too long to date/court???
 So i heard of a couble that have been dating for 9years, and yet no marriage or talks of marriage!!! Just the normal thing guys say (cant wait for you to be my wifey)What is going on?? my friend is really worried, but she is in love with him and finds it difficult to pull away. Am sure the next thing you would say is, she should ask him, Well, she has, and he keeps telling her to be patient.

Here are my findings from a research I recently conducted:

  • men are not gingered to get married so long they are getting sex.
  • most couples who live together before marriage end up breaking up after so many years of dating.
  • Ladies leave the boyfriend of their youths for ready made men.
  • men chase after young girls "fresh blood" lol and refer to their girlfriends of many years as "old cargo"

hmm,, all these findings haven't answered my question or even helped my friend....What do yo think??
                                                                -----kems xoxo


  1. 9yrs and no marriage? Mayb d guy doesn't love her anymore.or tired of d rel,dats wat I fink, besides 9 years is too long for dating or courtship......

  2. Maybe he doesn't just think they r ready yet. If she is getting so old, she should move forward with her life. A girl can't wait forever
