Thursday, 16 August 2012

We are clay in the potter's hand

Praise God Brethren.
Always remember that we are clay in the potter's hand and as every molded cup or vase has to be "nipped and tucked" to end up perfect, occasionally, so do we. We may not always like it, in fact, sometimes it could really hurt but the end result is always well worth it. 

What the Lord wants for us is pure good and no evil; to give us an expected end. Though we sometimes have to make numerous turns to get to our destination, the Lord knows what He is doing. He is not the son of man that He should repent. No, Never.

God is taking His time to move us to our proper position and though we may not always understand His methods, we just have to Trust His Will. Let him mold you to the person He sees. Yes, it may hurt and yes, you may want Him to stop. But always remember, no one has ever disregarded Fine Art.


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