“The question of whether there really is anything as a “perfect relationship” is indeed one that attracts interesting responses and by ‘interesting’…..trust me, there can’t be a better word. I decided to check out on personal opinions regarding the idea and am WOWED!! On a scale of 1- 100, dividing between ‘ladies’ and ‘gents’; 50% of the ladies believe there is no such thing, 44% do believe that it does exist and amongst the gents, about 45% believe it doesn’t exist and 32% believe it does exist. These ratings almost subconsciously point out (between thin lines though) that more ladies have had it bad and opted out in their relationships yet, More are hopeful or have experienced perfect relationships than our gents. Although, this isn’t my area of concentration.
Anyway, is there really anything like a perfect relationship? From my responses, I’ve summed this up. That “PERFECTION” can actually be defined personally. It isn’t a general yard-stick for measuring every other relationship (that is, what a couple sees as its perfection, can just be the first step of another’s). It just depends on where they have placed common ground and have accepted themselves for themselves. No two person/individuals are perfect, but, were two imperfect people come together in an agreement placing their standard, which could be their trust in each other (despite all odds), ensuring that no day goes by without communicating, (even if there a HOT disagreement), and the likes,……..this imperfection can be overlooked infact, it can almost be erased. This creates not just an illusion of a perfect relationship, but a reality of it too.
I asked someone on his take on the idea, and he said “perfect match, haven’t u heard that before?” I paused! And indeed it is true…”these perfect matched couples” don’t necessarily look alike, talk alike, walk, smile or dress alike,, they fight, they argue, they might even have had a break and gotten back in between. So why are they perfectly matched again? (You wonder). Well, they’ve created that common ground, they’ve found their strength together, in their imperfect (singular) weakness. They attained their yard-stick for measuring their union.
Remember a relationship is imperfect if you choose to use personal (individual) measurements or another’s measurement for it. It only becomes a perfect union/relationship which is a perfect friendship, when both realize they are two in one and create a standard for themselves. P:s also- without God there can’t a PERFECT RELATIONSHIP. - Howson-wright foluke
I think the only way you can judge whether a relationship is perfect or not is highly dependent on the outcomes (Fruits) of the relationship. How the relationship has positively affected the life of the partners, how much they have grown together , how they resolve issues, how much they trust each other etc. All i am trying to say is that a Perfect relationship is a process .... It can start on a rocky foundation and end up very well or Start on a very good foundation and end very bad. The koko is that there will always be ups and downs in a relationship but the way the partners handle this unevenness determines whether it will end as a Perfect relationship or a Disastrous one.
ReplyDeleteIt's always good to dream. But there is no such thing as a perfect relationship and if there were, it would be boring as hell.
ReplyDeleteRelationships can only become "perfect", though I beg to differ with the term, when the people involve accept all the cons of their partners and realize that the cons are as much a part of the relationship as the pros. Once there is acceptance of the two, only then can they both tolerate and fully love each other.
Well, perfect relationships do exist(although hard to come across) and believe me its nowhere near boring(that's why its perfect). You can't just wake up one morning and wish for a perfect relationship, its something you have to work for(you and your partner that is) and I believe the three MAIN keys to unlock such a blissful relationship are: *communication *trust *loyalty...
ReplyDeleteDon't wanna tlk too much jor, I sha fink u cn av a perfect relationship if u want it.
Gud job girlz, really luvin dis
I must say this topic is a very interesting one, and I very much agree with the writter, perfection can be achieved based on the standards you guys have placed for each other, the ups and downs also make up part of a perfect relationship. :), love with all your heart and be the best that you can be for each other.
ReplyDeletelove always Elle b.
Perfect relationships exists not because both parties are extremely perfect people or agree on everything but because they have chosen to make good of their situation and differences and built on it to make their relationship better. I must say this blog keeps getting better.....very interesting topic