Tuesday, 17 July 2012

    YOUR WEDDING!!!! Its one among the three most important days in your life!..the first being your birth....the last, death!..and then in between is your WEDDING!!..the day you finalise the addition of a son/daughter to your mother..brother/sister to your siblings...uncle/aunt to your niece,nephew..cousin...the addition of another person to your world..the day you decide to become one with someone..this day is the only day where you and your spouse are allowed to be selfish!!!.lol.
*sigh..you shouldn't get it wrong..everything from the weather lol..to the flower arrangment sholud be on point!..especially the person with whom you are tying the knot...in the olden days(not that I was around during that time) weddings use to be very simple whether big or small..all you had to do was wear a white gown..and your groom clad in black,the train if any would be in the same color(how boring!)Anyways nowadays weddings no be small mata ohh,hmm..for some its even a money making venture,you would see aso-ebi of different colors and grades and of course different prices,ranging from twenty-five thousand naira upwards,I even heard of an aso-ebi that costs half a ,million box, just for two people to say 'I do' to each other..oga oh..and with the advent of globalisation..people now borrow from different cultures,some want to go all american and give it that fairytale feel cc@kimK's wedding..others like a more gracious theme regardless of the size,others want all the colors of the rainbow on their wedding day lol(color blocking),people go all out just for this day..well I can't blame them,its a very special day!you get to be treated like a queen/king..everyone is looking and admiring you,no expression on your face goes unattended or unnoticed,plus its 'sorta kinda like' determines how the rest of your life would go.bottom line is..weddings are special and important..and its a day for people, actually the bride  to bring to reality her life long dream..so continue in prayers and on that day be merry,dance your ass off..but. Dont forget that the wedding is not the marriage itself, just the beginning,so be wise!!!!

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