Friday, 27 July 2012

Am confused...

     He is soo fine...gosh!.The right kind of choclate skin,long lashes!!,veryy kissable lips. when we take walks, he shades me from the sun..yup! He's that tall, and he gets me in everyway that a person could be gotten wink*lool. He has a good job,good salary (yea, i know his salary) and he's kind. He's not all perfect oh..but then again who is....?! He loves God, buh not as much as i do...but he's gettn there. Atleast, I know he wants to be closer to God..but thats not even the issue.....

     one beautiful saturday morning, we went to the movies, but decided to do a little shopping before then. He forgot something in the car,to save time he gave me his wallet to pay for what we had already gotten while he went to fetch what he forgot , as I was paying, I noticed his voters card inside,seeking a good laugh I looked at it, hoping to see an ugly picture of him..but it was just there..and then I noticed the age on dint click immediately,it was later on that I realized that he was younger!!2years! I have always been against dating a younger guy..this changes everything doesn't it?? at least I feel different...he came back and we went to see our movie..At the climax of the movie..I saw my name on the screen...and you can guess what came next,he was down on one knee,peopl were waitng on me(I dunno if its because of the movie or they wanted to hear my reply)..I said yes..but wen we got to the car..I told him I had to think about it. He had told me his age before when,we started dating, but I thought he was lying so I just laughed it off...what do I do? I love him soo much,, but i have a serious problem with the age difference.


  1. bukola ajibade27 July 2012 at 07:32

    Age is not a problem, what matters most is the love both of u share...u can go for him*wink*if u really love him as u claim*smile*.......

  2. i believe Age is just a factor of numbers....and as long as you are true to yourselves that's what matters..Love covers everything including age...

  3. Once God gives you the go ahead, and you truly love , trust and cherish each other then the age difference should be the least of your worries

  4. I don't think age is a problem, as long as you both are happy and understand eachother....I say go for it!

  5. Its very east for us girls to say 'age is nt a problem' as long as its not THEIR problem. The first major factor of course is God. Next up, its the girl. Can she respect a guy 2 yrs yunger? Will she be able to stand up to her friends abt it? Wen the kids come in, will she still be able to stnd up to his decisions as th 'man in the house'? Is d guy more mature than her (very important, ladies, cus guys even 8yrs older can behave like kids...I'm sure y'all undrstand. Lol)...wen she's answered this, she knows her decision....*whew* I dey write essay sha! Lol

    1. yea i agree with alleebee,if she's able to answer all these questions positively then she shud go ahead, but if she still has a problem den i think she shud jst tlk abt it with the guy, good communication solves alot

  6. Hey girl..... Grab that dude ne u still hav d chance. U dnt get such 2ice in a row. If u really luv him, ur age shouldn't affect d respect a woman would hav 4 her man. He luvs u and that's clear. Besides, it's jst 2 yrs. Go get yo man! I'd luv 2 get a wedding invite... Lol.
